514-624-7363 Your West Island Private Medical Clinic

ThinPrep™ Pap Test

  • ThinPrepTM Pap Test
  • ThinPrepTM Pap Test and Human Papilloma Virus
  • HPV (Reflex to ThinPrepTM Pap Test)

New! We offer cervical cancer screening at REMD Solutions Inc. The pap test continues to play a key role in women’s cervical healthcare, alongside advancements like HPV testing and the vaccine. You can benefit from the most comprehensive, most advanced technology available today.


Dr. Una Yang – news

Dr. Una Yang has joined our Private medical clinic! New Family doctor accepting new patients.
Women’s Health. Pediatrics.
By appointment only, call us today

Emergency Appointments

We take minor emergency appointments upon availability.

Laboratory Services on site

CDL Laboratories performs laboratory services onsite. Why wait? For the quickest response, you can have your physician recommended lab test performed right away.

Monday to Friday: 9:00a.m.-4:00p.m.

Tel. : 514-624-REMD (7363)